Sunday, November 25, 2007


hey......pEOPle..... weLL..WeLL..wEll......... i'M Here agAIn.!!!!!!
And i HavE Something tO teLL You guyZZzz!!!!!!!!!
iM sO pRoUd tO tell you tHat
SJNHS hAd aLrEady sHown it's iMpRoVemeNt....
aNd wHy nOt.............
the ICT rOom has already 50 uNits of's gReat.....
yOu kNow guyZZzzz tHe sTuDents uSe it indiViduaLLy..iM sO pRoUd that i beLong to that sTuDent aNd it's easy fOr us to make our assignmEnts aNd resEarch ,....just visit oUr ICT roOm to proVe you that im not lying........!
but don't be envy hUh.......!
pEaCe to aLL.mUahhgss.. and aNyway thaNks to INTEL fOr dOnaTing tHis cOmpUterS.!!!bAbooo..,c yah nXt tiMe guyZZzzz....
i pRomise u aLL, i wiLL giVe u sOme uPdAtEs....aBoUt tHe hAppeNiNgs tO oUr sChooL...
but hOw sAd pRomiSe mEaNt to be bRokEn...... but i'LL try.......